MULAC Scoring System

Points will be awarded for each Match as follows: (Note: One always makes Predictions "with respect to" the 4 MULAC Teams (or "Substitute" Team when prompted)

Match Outcome: For Predicting the Correct Match Outcome, - WIN, LOSE, or DRAW - Scores 8 Points

Match Score: For Predicting Full Correct Match - Scores 12 Points

For Predicting Partial Correct Score, (One score only correct - for or against) - Scores 3 Points

Proximity Points P1, P2 & P3: (Applies with Correct Outcome Only)

..... P1 : Consolation Points if your score is only 1 Goal out on either side but not both - scores 5 points

..... P2 : Consolation Points if your score is only 2 Goals out on either side but not both - scores 3 points

..... P3 : Consolation Points if your score is only 3 Goals out on either side but not both - scores 1 point

Draw Proximity Bonus Points D1, D2 & D3: (Applies with a Draw Result Only)

..... D1 : Consolation Points if your Draw score is only 1 Goal out - scores 8 points

..... D2 : Consolation Points if your Draw score is only 2 Goals out - scores 6 points

..... D3 : Consolation Points if your Draw score is only 3 Goals out - scores 4 Points

Goal Scorers:

Note: Always nominates a Goal Scorer from the 4 MULAC Teams where prompted. Varying points are available for Predicting the correct Goal Scorer and the points available are "weighted" in relation to the "Category" that player is selected in. The Player's Category is not just based on the players position i.e. - Striker / Mid-Fielder / Defender, But also on the likelihood / odds of that Player Scoring a Goal.

First Goal: If your Nominated MULAC Player scores the "First Goal" for that Team, and is .....

..... (a) Category 1 Player (Striker) - scores 4 points

..... (b) Category 2 Player (Mid-Fielder) - scores 8 points

..... (c) Category 3 Player (Defender) - scores 12 points

..... (d) Category 4 Player (Goal Keeper) - scores 16 points

Any Goal: If your Nominated MULAC Player scores "ANY Subsequent Goal" for that Team, and is .....

..... (a) Category 1 Player (Striker) - scores 2 points

..... (b) Category 2 Player (Mid-Fielder) - scores 4 points

..... (c) Category 3 Player (Defender) - scores 6 points

..... (d) Category 4 Player (Goal Keeper) - scores 8 points

Assists: If your Nominated MULAC Player Assists for "ANY Goal" for that Team, and is .....

..... (a) Category 1 Player (Striker) - scores 1 points

..... (b) Category 2 Player (Mid-Fielder) - scores 2 points

..... (c) Category 3 Player (Defender) - scores 3 points

..... (d) Category 4 Player (Goal Keeper) - scores 4 points

If you had selected a "No Scorer", and that is the case - you score 8 Points (Same as for a Category 2 player scoring)

If you had selected an "Own Goal", and that is the case - you score 16 Points (same as for Goal Keeper)

Note 1: Player Category Positions are based on that as listed in the drop down Squad List for each MULAC Team.

Note 2: In the case of a Player scoring more than 1 Goal in a Match - You only score ONCE either for "FIRST" or "ANY" , but not both. This also applies if a Player ASSISTS more than Once.

Note 3: In your Nominated Player scores a Goal (First or Any) and also has and Assist for another goal, then you score Points for both - although you only get points for One Assist. If your Nominated Player just gets an Assist - you score those Bonus Points based on their Category.

Summary on Points available for a "Typical Match" :

The Total amount of Points available for each Match varies depending on Final Score and who scores.

Where a MULAC Team W / L or D and a "Cat 1" Player scores - Max Points to score is 24 points.

Where a MULAC Team W / L or D and a "Cat 4" Player scores - Max Points to score is 36 points