The MULAC Prediction League is based on YOU making Predictions on the outcome of 4 Premiership Matches each week over the next 15 Match Weekends. This round of The MULAC League starts on SATURDAY 10th FEBRUARY (Week 1) and will runs for 15 weeks up to SUNDAY 19th MAY 2024 (Week 15).

We principally Predict on the same 4 Clubs each week, namely The MULAC Teams which are : Manchester United - Liverpool - Arsenal – Chelsea

Each week you will be required to make 3 Specific Predictions for each Team which are as follows:

1 - "The Match Outcome " e.g. Liverpool to Win, Lose or Draw.

2 - " The Final Score " : e.g. 2-1 to Liverpool

3 - " Nominate One Goal Scorer " for each MULAC Team: e.g. Salah

Each Week YOU Score Points based on YOUR Predictions for the 4 Matches. Each Week the Top Scorer of that Week wins a Cash prize of €25.00

(In the event of a 2 way tie - Money is split, in the event of a 3 or more way tie - one name is drawn from hat)

The Points YOU score each week are used concurrently in THREE MULAC Competitions - Each with Prize Winning Spots .

1: "THE MULAC LEAGUE ": Your Weekly Points are complied into a Leaderboard / League Table and at the End of the Season there are Prizes for the Top FIVE Positions. The Final Total Score is YOUR BEST 13 Weeks - 2 week less than the 16 Weeks entry.

2: "THE MULAC CUP " : A Separate Knock-Out Competition starting after Week 3 : A random Cup Draw is made and from that you are competing "Head to Head" against other members. Each Round is over 2 legs , ie 2 Prediction Weeks, and your combined score over 2 weeks are compared - The winner progresses to next round , the loser is knocked out.

3: " MULAC TEAM of 4 LEAGUE " : In this competition you are aligned with 3 other participants and the Teams combined scored is compared to all others in a Separate Team of 4 Leaderboard. At the start you can nominate your 3 Team Members and give your "Team of 4" name. (Why not get 3 more from your work or family to join). Don't worry if you have not got 3 others, once started all "unattached" participants, we will form into random "Teams of 4" - No one loses out in the opportunity to be in the Team of 4 Competition and this Prize allocation.

HOW ONE SCORES: See separate Page on the " MULAC Scoring System":

HOW IT OPERATES: Before 12.30pm on the Saturday of every Match Week, you have to enter in your Predictions. This is done by Logging On to Website via User Name and Password. Each Tuesday each Participant will receive by e-mail Last Weeks Results, The Current Leaderboard and a Notice of the 4 next MULAC Premiership Matches on which to Predict. Each Thursday a Reminder to Enter by the Saturday Deadline is sent to all Members

ENTRY FEE: The Standard Entry Fee is 15.00 Euros per Person and this covers ALL the 15 Match Weeks - Effectively cost is€1.00 per week. Of this - €14 is used and paid back as Prize Fund. The remainder €1, is used to cover admin / cost of running / hosting the website, (no money is taken for profit)

PRIZE MONEY: There are Cash Prizes for the Final Top Five in MULAC LEAGUE. There is also a Weekly Cash Prize of €25 for the Top Scorer Each Week. Cash Prizes also for - The MULAC CUP Winner & Runner-Up, and for the 1st and 2nd Placed MULAC Teams of 4 - In Total 24 Different Cash Prize Positions in a MULAC Prediction League

Note : Your Final Score is the total of your BEST 13 Weeks out of the 15 Weeks.

HOW TO ENTER: Simply Registrar with Username and Password and submit your Week 1 Predictions

Week 1 of This MULAC LEAGUE (Spring) Starts 12.30 Saturday 12th AUGUST

NOTE RE PAYMENT: It is not essential to send money now – Just submit your Week 1 Entries.

Information on Payment Options will be circulated to all members with aim to have all Entry Fees collected by Week 5 or 6.

At this stage by entering, it is understood that you have made that commitment to honor your participation and pay up later.


All Predictions must be clear and consistent, i.e. you cannot predict a Team to Win and then enter a Draw score.

If you predict your MULAC Team Scoring, then you must nominate a MULAC Goal Scorer.

If you predict "No Goals", you need to input – No Scorer - See also Notes on Goal Scorers in "Scoring System"

No late entries will be accepted: The deadline is 12.30 each Saturday. You will be sent a REMINDER via email each Thursday.

In the case of the Website system failing / crashing, predictions via email to " ", before the allocated time will suffice, or proof that your entry was sent and not updated before the Match Kick-off.

In the event of a dispute as to who scored that 1st Goal, or "Any Goal". Those names which is printed on the BBC Sports Website will be taken as the decider.