The MULAC LEAGUE is a Fun Prediction Competition based on The Premiership. (Run by Joe Byrne)

The MULAC League is based on YOU making Predictions on the outcome of 4 Premiership Matches each Week.

Those Matches involving - Man United , Liverpool, Arsenal and Chelsea - the MULAC Teams

This round of The MULAC Prediction League starts on SATURDAY 10th FEBRUARY 2024, and will run for 15 Match Weekends until end of current Premiership on Sunday MAY 19th.

The League operates through this website and via email reminders.

Each Thursday every Participant will receive by E-Mail a notice of the 4 upcoming Premiership Matches on which Predictions have to be made before 12.30pm on the Saturday.

The following Monday / Tuesday the results will be emailed to you along with Leaderboards.


The Entry Fee to join is €15.00 and that covers All 15 Match Weekends.

You can register for MULAC without paying upfront once payment is received by Week 7

NOTE: €14.00 of Entry Fee is used as Prize Money, - €1 is used to cover hosting and managing of the Websites


Each week you earn points for the accuracy of your Prediction and the person with the highest points over the 15 weeks wins MULAC LEAGUE. Each week we create a Leaderboard showing all players and their scores

Each Week there is a Cash Prize of €25 for the Top Weekly Scorer

At the end of the MULAC Season the Top 5 League Positions win Cash Prizes.

There is also Cash prizes for MULAC Cup Winner & Runner Up and Cash Prizes for the top two Teams of 4

Note - The total number of Prizes along with their actual value will be determined and announced following the Total Number of entries and Entry payments honored.

The more that enter the bigger the Prize Fund, and the more Prizes will be created.

For more Details and full Rules see - "Rules" page